
SUPPRO unpaid blood donation activities

In order to promote the humanitarian spirit of the unity and friendship of the Chinese nation, publicize and spread the traditional virtues of selfless dedication, and respond to the voluntary blood donation initiative of Nanyang Street, Xiaoshan District, our company organizes employees to actively participate in voluntary blood donation activities.

On September 3th, the employees of our company who participated in unpaid blood donation braved the sweltering heat to come to the blood collection point of Nanyang Street Health Center to donate the blood free of charge. Some of them donated blood for the first time, and some have donated blood many times. Everyone said that donating their own blood can help those patients who are in urgent need of treatment. It is a charity that benefits the country, the people, and oneself, and it is also the obligation of every citizen. When they got their own bright red notebooks, everyone showed a gratified smile on their faces.

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