
Supror hand in hand with Mitsubishi

At the signing meeting, District Mayor Niexpressed the hope that Xiaoshan enterprises can firmly grasp the historicalopportunities of the new round of technological revolution and industrialtransformation, accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading, andpromote the continuous development and growth of Xiaoshan's "Intelligent Manufacturing".

This time, Hangzhou Supror TransmissionMachinery Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi signed an initial investment of 62 millionin intelligent equipment, and 50 million in machining equipment. It is expectedto be gradually delivered and put into production in July 2021. The projectadopts the method of delivery as soon as possible and orderly improvement. Thedesign capacity will be achieved from the initial 3,000 sets to 5,000 sets perday, and then to the final production capacity of 10,000 sets per day. At thesame time, the product quality and delivery time will be achieved to a new step.It will greatly improve the competitiveness.

SUPROR is a general manufacturing industry,and our industry’s basic characteristic is down-to-earth. We strive to be solidand powerful with every step and seek for long-term goals. At present, we cometo a new beginning. Next development main tone changes from the past jogging tospeeding up, as the external environment and internal conditions require us todo this.

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