
The First Chinese Intelligent Manufacturing Factory Of RV Worm Gear Reducer And The Completion And C

On the morning ofOctober 30th, 2021, commissioning ceremony of intelligentmanufacturing at Hangzhou SUPROR Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd. wasgrandly held. The first intelligent manufacturing factory of RV worm gearreducer was officially completed and put into production. It not only marks animportant step taken by SUPROR in digital transformation and upgrading andimproving product quality, but also injects new impetus and new vitality intothe economic and social development of Xiaoshan District.

Ni Shiying, Vice Governorof Xiaoshan District, Zheng Yifang, Executive Vice President of ZhejiangFederation of Industrial Economics and Provincial Entrepreneurs Association, NiYanqing, Deputy Director of Xiaoshan District Office, Han Menglong, Director ofXiaoshan District Economic and Information Bureau, Cao Xiaoxiang, PartySecretary of Xiaoshan District Science and Technology Bureau, Zhao Yongqiang,Deputy Director of Xiaoshan District Financial Office, Ni Guotian, DeputyDirector of Xiaoshan District Economic and Information Bureau, Zhu Hanliang,Deputy Director of Air Port Management Committee, Wang Bin, Secretary ofNanyang Street Party Working Committee, Wang Guowei, Director of Nanyang StreetParty Office, Xu Rongyin, Director of Nanyang Street People's Congress WorkingCommittee, Gao Liang, Deputy Secretary of Nanyang Street Party WorkingCommittee, Jin Haiguang, Deputy Economic Director of Nanyang Street  and other leaders attended the commissioningceremony.

Deputy District Mayor NiShiying delivered a speech

Ni Shiying first extendedhis warm congratulations to the commissioning ceremony of SUPROR intelligentmanufacturing factory project.He said that themanufacturing industry is Xiaoshan’s background and advantage, as well as thebackbone of Xiaoshan’s economic and social development. Xiaoshan is currentlyat a key crossroads for high-quality development. To achieve curve overtakingand lane change overtaking, the best path and key strategy is to developintelligent manufacturing and initiate quality revolution, efficiency revolution,and power revolution. As arepresentative of advanced enterprises in the digital transformation ofXiaoshan District, Supror has the courage to make a big determination,great efforts, and a big investment under the situation of increasingly fiercecompetition in the development of the industry. Planning and constructing smartfactory from a high starting point is a wise move in keeping with the pace ofdevelopment of the times.

He pointed that he hopesSUPROR will take the intelligent factory into production as a new startingpoint, unswervingly take the road of digital transformation, integrate theconcept of intelligent manufacturing into the entire process of industrialdevelopment, and provide a demonstration for the transformation and upgradingof traditional enterprises in the region. At the same time, the district willalso further increase its support to enterprises and do a good job inguaranteeing services in the process of intelligent development of enterprises.

Production Start-up Ceremony

SUPROR signed a contractwith authorized service provider

After ceremony, the deputy district mayorNi Shiying and his delegation visitedSUPROR Intelligent Manufacturing Factory on the spot. Numerous advancedmanufacturing equipment, production processes, and intelligent workshops aredisplayed in the field of vision.Combined with the introduction of the relevant person in charge, everyone has adetailed understanding of the construction and system architecture of theintelligent factory, and has a close contact with theproject operation links of thereducer intelligentproduction lines, experience the advancement, efficiency and safety ofintelligent manufacturing.

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